
We launched our blog in 2008 initially in response to a serious of troubling events that included budget cuts, human resources issues, excessing of teachers and others. It is now April 2010, and these same issues remain, with few solutions in sight: supplies are scarce; there are insufficient educational materials in some departments; safety issues remain; class sizes have not been reduced; technology is not available to those who need it the most; we have students with specialized needs that are not being met – the list goes on. We also have a community of professionals who manage to get the job done anyway – people who have great ideas, strength, compassion and resilience.

We invite all who are part of the CBHS community to make your ideas, experiences and perceptions known here. This is a humble attempt to provide a channel for open communications – a forum for the exchange of ideas and best practices. We encourage you to participate often and invite your colleagues to do so as well.

If you have an issue that you would like us to handle offline, or a post that you would like us to make for you, send email to clarascircle@gmail.com.

We will post series of topical questions to get the conversation started. Scroll through the topics below, as well as the Blog Archive. You are free to post responses under your name, a screen name or anonymously. We do not want to censor any submissions, but unless you are writing about yourself, we ask that you refrain from using full names in your posts. We welcome all suggestions of ways that we can improve this site. Make sure to click on "Comments" at the bottom of each topic, so you can read and respond to your colleagues' entries.

What do you think?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Brilliant Ideas

Got any? What can we do to get CBHS on a better track? How can we make our voices and concerns heard? What can we do to help our students and ourselves succeed? What are you doing that works?

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